SAAM Art Contest: Exploring the Senses

Mar 05, 2025
SAAM Exploring the Senses
SAAM Art Contest Header

TASK: Choose one of the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch) to explore in an artwork.

CREATE: Using a medium of your choice (drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photo, video, audio, performance, etc.) make an artwork that explores one of the five senses from your perspective. You may choose to focus on one element of your daily routine, or you may imagine what it would be like to experience your surroundings using only one of the five senses. There’s no right or wrong approach!


  • When you close your eyes, what other senses do you rely on most? Could you create an artwork with your eyes closed using, for example, only your sense of touch?
  • Record a soundtrack (max 3 minutes) for one daily activity. What sounds will you include?
  • If you were to make a bottle to hold your favorite smell, what would it look like? How would you decorate it? Make a sketch of your design, and/or decorate a recycled bottle or jar using decoupage (the technique of decorating an object by gluing flat material to it).
  • What adjectives would you use to describe the taste of your favorite food? Write a poem about your favorite food using those adjectives, then illustrate different aspects of the poem.
  • What does it feel like to pet a furry friend? What materials could you use to recreate that sensation in a sculpture or tactile artwork?


Albritton students interested in entering the SAAM art contest should see our art teacher, Ms. Lantzky, for more details. 

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