About Our School

School Mission/Vision

Our Vision

Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere.

Our Mission

Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world.

School Purpose

A community that equips all students to be lifelong learners who think critically, aspire to excellence, and are responsible global citizens.

About Our School

Background Information

Albritton Middle School was built in 1983 to accommodate about 700 students. It is one of nine schools located on Fort Bragg. For many years, Albritton served Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base as a junior high school with grades 7-9. With the addition of Shughart Middle School in the Linden Oaks community, Albritton was reorganized as a 6-8 school in 2011-2012. A new addition was added to our school in 2012, which houses our 8th grade students and a studio for video productions. A new gym floor was constructed in 2013 to accommodate our sports’ programs.

Albritton had a 25% turnover of students during the 2012-2013 academic year. Most children spend no more than three years in the system; a large percentage of our student body does not remain for the complete school year.

As part of the Fort Bragg Community, Mid-Atlantic District, DoDEA Americas, Albritton is also part of the larger government educational system known as DDESS which stands for Department of Defense Elementary and Secondary Schools. DDESS consists primarily of the military school systems located stateside. Military systems overseas are administered by DoDDS (Department of Defense Dependent Schools). Both DDESS and DoDDS are placed under the overarching umbrella known as DoDEA, which stands for Department of Defense Education Activity.

To be a part of the Fort Bragg Schools, students need to have one parent serving as the military sponsor and live in on-post housing. Based on these criteria, all students have at least one parent, who is fully employed, with all the benefits ascribed to them by the Federal government.

Currently, many Albritton students have a parent who is deployed outside the United States in an area of military conflict. The Albritton staff sees this unique circumstance as well as our mobility rate as one of the integral parts of the overall focus and mission in meeting both our students’ cognitive and affective needs.

Our Namesake, 1Lt Kenneth H. Albritton

Albritton MS was named in memory of 1Lt Kenneth H. Albritton.

A plaque displayed in the main entrance hallway states that Lt Albritton was a native of Fayetteville, NC and attended the Fort Bragg Schools. While serving as an Infantry officer in the Republic of Vietnam, he was mortally wounded. Lt. Albritton was awarded the Silver Star posthumously for gallantry in action against a hostile force. One of the many, one of our own, Lt Albritton served our nation proudly in Vietnam.

School Goals

Goal 1: All students will demonstrate growth in literacy.

  • Objective 1: The percentage of students in grades 6 - 8 meeting or exceeding expectations on the literacy DoDEA Summative Assessment will increase by 4% in the area of written expression. Sixth graders will increase from 25% to 29%, seventh graders will increase from 32% to 36%, and eighth graders will increase from 37% to 41%.
  • Objective 2: The percentage of students in grades 6 - 8 meeting or exceeding expectations on the literacy DoDEA Summative Assessment will increase by 4% in the area of language conventions. Sixth graders will increase from 25% to 29%, seventh graders will increase from 31% to 35%, and eighth graders will increase from 41% to 45%.

Goal 2: All 6th and 8th grade students will demonstrate growth in math.

  • Objective 1: The percentage of students in grades 6 and 8 meeting or exceeding expectations on the math DoDEA Summative Assessment will increase by 4% in the area of modeling of reasoning and math content. Sixth graders and 8th graders will increase from 14% to 18%.

Goal 3: Focused collaboration groups will implement all stages of the focused collaboration process to support student learning.

  • Objective 1: 100% of Focused Collaboration groups will meet the expectation of completing four cycles per year.

Chain of Command

Kawaa Fulton official DoDEA photo

Ms. Kaawa Fulton

Normandy Drive Bldg 4-3331
Fort Bragg, NC 28307
United States

Albritton Middle School official mascot
Enrollment: 367
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